Chemical Peels

As part of your body’s own rejuvenation system, your skin cells naturally die and make room for new cells to take their place. In your youth, this process occurs quite readily, but as you age, the growth of new skin cells begins to slow down, making your skin appear dull and wrinkled and affecting your appearance overall.
There are several options available that can assist your skin in rejuvenating itself and prevent aging qualities from surfacing; one of which being the chemical peel, which effectively reduces the skin’s imperfections in a minimally invasive manner. Cosmetic surgeon George T. Goffas, MD offers a variety of chemical peels at Cosmetic Surgeons of Michigan, PC for patients who are looking to keep the natural aging process from progressing.
How Do Chemical Peels Work?
A chemical peel helps your skin remove its dead skin cells more efficiently so that newer cells can take their place in a larger quantity. The result is a more youthful appearance with a reduction in fine lines, age spots, freckles, sun damage, slight acne scarring and pigmentation.
Is a Chemical Peel Right for You?
Receiving a chemical peel depends mostly on your aesthetic goals. Since the procedure is an effective way to gradually reduce the conditions leading to aging skin, the results of a chemical peel are not immediate and will not produce results as dramatic as surgery. A chemical peel is ideal for those who desire more subtle results without invasive techniques. During a consultation with our physicians, you can learn more about the chemical peels available to you and decide whether the process will meet your expectations.
Have more questions about chemical peels? Check out our blog post where Dr. Goffas answers top questions about chemical peels, including the different types of peels (light, medium, and heavy), how to prepare for your first chemical peel, and how chemical peels compare to other skin treatments like lasers and microneedling.
Your Consultation
We recommend that you come in for a consultation with your physician in order to accurately determine which type of chemical peel will suit your skin. Your physician will review your medical history to see if you have suffered from any viral infections, have a sensitivity to the sun or had prior skin treatments performed recently. He will also examine your skin type and complexion in order view how the natural aging process has affected your skin thus far. This will determine which chemical combination your physician will use during your chemical peel.
There are several chemical peels to choose from, and together you and your physician can discuss the treatment that is right for you. Depending on your complexion, the severity of imperfections on the skin, and whether or not you’ve had a chemical peel performed in the past, you can choose between a superficial, medium or deep chemical peel.

What Happens During a Chemical Peel?
Chemical peels are an outpatient procedure that can either take place within our office or your physicians private surgical facility. Your physician may use a combination of chemicals, including glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, Jessner, beta lift, or carbolic acid, depending on your skin type. If you are receiving a deeper chemical peel, a topical anesthetic may be used to ease any discomfort during the treatment.
Your physician will apply the chemicals to your skin and let them sit for several minutes. You may feel a hot and stinging sensation at this time, which is the result of the chemicals removing the outer layer of skin and replacing it with a newer layer.
Your Results and Recovery
The results of your chemical peel will vary depending on the intensity of the peel you receive. For a lighter peel, you will experience some redness and slight peeling for a few days. Medium-intensity and deeper peels will often result in crusting of the skin as well as swelling and blisters. These side effects are completely normal, but can last up to two weeks.
To help expedite the rejuvenation process, your physician may prescribe topical ointments to keep your skin moisturized. You should refrain from wearing any cosmetics for the first two weeks after receiving a peel, and we recommend that you avoid the sun in order to reduce any chances of additional damage. Wearing sun block will ensure that your skin is protected. Your physician will create a proper skin care regimen for you to follow before you return home.
Once your skin has healed, you will notice that it appears smoother with a reduction in pigmentation, fine lines, and scarring that takes years off of your appearance.
If you would like more information about the chemical peels we offer or to find out which one of our peels is right for you, contact Cosmetic Surgeons of Michigan, PC at 586-773-6900 and schedule a consultation with your physician.
About Cosmetic Surgeons of Michigan, PC
Board certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Goffas has served patients in the metro Detroit area for over 15 years. He would be happy to discuss questions you may have about chemical peels, and to help you decide if Cosmetic Surgeons of Michigan, PC is the right fit for you. To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Goffas, contact us online or call (586) 773-6900.
Areas served:
- St. Clair Shores
- Detroit
- Grosse Pointe